When you father a child with someone in Michigan and the two of you are not in a marriage, you need to establish paternity if you want the same rights over your child that a married father would have. While establishing paternity may benefit you, the child’s father,...
Why society benefits when dads become more engaged parents
When it comes to raising a family, women take on most of the responsibilities even when they work outside of the home. The few exceptions involve instances where fathers work from home or opt to become stay-at-home dads. In fact, more fathers have decided to take on...
Does the mother always get the kids?
Historically, fathers did not normally end up with custody of their children after a divorce. However, many things have changed in the modern family courtroom, and the rights of fathers are one of these things. One of the most important changes has been the switch...
Why is establishing paternity so important?
When Michigan parents have a child, establishing paternity is a crucial matter. Married fathers do not have much to do. They must sign the birth certificate at the time of the child's birth. Unmarried fathers have more work, as they must sign a declaration of...
How do you establish paternity?
Michigan fathers may want to establish paternity for many different reasons. Today we will look at some of those reasons. We will also look at how to establish paternity. There are several different ways to go about it. Which one you choose depends on your life...
Rights and responsibilities for Michigan fathers
Even in cases where parents have divorced or never married, the father has the right to spend time with his children. For married parents, the husband is automatically the child's legal father. Unmarried fathers must take steps to establish legal paternity in...